2646 NEDI IN Gold Ring

Gold seal ring belonging to George Grenville, sold for £9500 at Noonans.

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A former prime minister’s gold seal ring discovered by a metal detectorist hammered down for £9500 at Noonans Mayfair on June 11. It sold to a buyer in the US.

The 23cm ring was found in May 2023 by 85-year-old Tom Clark while trying out his new metal detector out in a field in Buckinghamshire – along with a Roman bronze coin and Georgian gilded brooch.

In trying to establish the name around the edge, he saw the name ‘Grenvil’ and immediately recognised it as one of the ancestral surnames of the nearby manor house.

Identified as belonging to George Grenville (1712-1770), prime minister between 1763-65, the ring carried an estimate of £6000-8000 going into the sale.

'Fantastic result'

Grenville is best remembered for trying to reduce Britain’s growing debt by raising revenue in the American colonies with the introduction of the Stamp Act which imposed a tax on all colonial commercial papers. This was strongly opposed by the colonists and stirred up protests. This and other acts introduced by Grenville are seen as catalysts to the American Revolutionary War of 1775-83.

“I didn’t watch the sale as I was out metal-detecting, I only stopped as it began to rain!” Clark said after the sale. “I am very pleased with the result, which is fantastic. I would like to put the money in my bank account, but I’m sure my wife will have ideas on how to spend it.”

He will share the proceeds with the landowner.