
One of the study groups learns about paintings during a day at Sworders.

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The day was designed to introduce pupils aged 15-17 to the realm of fine art, the mechanics of auctions, the variety of roles available within the industry and to broaden their horizons to a world that was new to them.

The firm’s specialists were joined on the day by John Benjamin from the Art Scholars and Viv Lawes, a lecturer, curator, author and journalist with over 20 years’ experience in the art market.

The programme included short talks, such as an introduction to Sworders and the international aspect of the art market, interspersed with workshops where the students gained hands-on experience, as well as learning further about how auction houses function on a day-to-day basis.

The students also performed a variety of tasks ranging from handling items of jewellery and silver, and using microscopes and loupes, to appraising paintings and seeing what is revealed when inspected under ultraviolet light.


Students from Birchwood school took a close look at the world of antiques during a day at Sworders.

They also looked at the auction process, following the journey of an item from its consignment to its eventual sale. The marketing workshop proved particularly popular; the pupils enjoyed discussing how best to stage items for marketing photography, choosing backgrounds and drafting an Instagram post, the best of which was featured on @swordersfineart.

Another section of the day featured an old favourite: ‘basic, better, best’. A specialist explained why they ranked three lots from the Design sale, which was on view at the time, in a particular order of value.

The day concluded with a mock auction - this was certainly the most captivating part of the day for the enthusiastic audience of bidders. Each student was given a budget and they had great fun, vigorously bidding against each other. Some decided to pool their funds to secure victory and outbid their peers, resulting in much amusement.

Sworders’ chairman Guy Schooling said: “Within an increasingly crowded curriculum it is difficult for secondary school students to learn of the fascinating careers available in the art market. Thus the Arts Scholars’ desire to bring school children into auction rooms and galleries to learn what we do, how we do it and what truly rewarding careers may be open to them.”

The staff at Sworders were so inspired by the event that they are keen to repeat it annually.

The first such day was held at Canterbury Auction Galleries in 2022. The Arts Scholars is keen to hold more of these events at other firms. Auction houses interested in hosting their own day can contact John Benjamin at