
Flooding in the Waveney by Edward Seago, oil on board, £45,000 from Portland Gallery.

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The scene depicts his East Anglian birthplace, probably Seago’s best-known landscape subject.

After returning from the war in 1945, he concentrated primarily on Norfolk or Suffolk creating what the gallery describes as “character studies” of the land, rather than topographical depictions of it. Open spaces, rich colour and romantic light fill these scenes.

Though plenty of such pictures are included in the show, the gallery has cast its net wider than these well-known vistas. Running from June 12-28 at the St James’s gallery, the exhibition also comprises a number of European views and some of Seago’s early works including 11 drawings from the 1930s, sourced from the artist’s estate, which have never been exhibited before.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of his death, though interest in his work remains constant with some of his top results in the open market made during the past five or six years. Though the gallery has long represented Seago’s estate, this is its first major show on the artist for four years.

Prices range from £2250-65,000.