David Harvey.

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1 How did you get your start as a dealer?

After working in interior design in Hamburg, following a return to London, my father asked if I could just help out with the business for a few weeks. This turned into the rest of my life. I’m passionate about good English furniture, from about 1670 to about 1840. I’ve learned to be open minded and expect the unexpected. That’s what makes the antiques business so exciting. It’s the reason I rush to work every day.

2 What projects have you worked on recently?

Supplying metamorphic library furniture to an American collector for his refurbished library. We’ve also recently digitalised our collection of catalogues from past photoshoots and exhibitions. This project encompassed the entirety of the company’s history, starting in 1951. It is now available to the public under Exhibition Archives on our website

We have taken a double-sized stand again at the NEC for the Classic Antique Fairs event in July and I am already looking forward to it and working out which pieces to take.


George III mahogany metamorphic library steps/table, c.1770, height 2ft 4in (72cm) x width, 2ft 9in (82.5cm), priced £12,500 at WR Harvey.

3 Something you’d love to get your hands on?

A William and Mary period tortoiseshell lacquered double dome bureau bookcase, which my father sold some 50 years ago.

4 One item you couldn’t do without?

Clean dusters and a good tin of wax polish!

5 Real ale or espresso martini?

A glass of chilled Pinot Grigio at the Hollybush here on Corn Street in Witney.