Bauhaus tea-infuser, designed by Marianne Brandt in 1924, €260,000 (£222,220) at Lempertz.

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The dramatic painting Fight between Arabian Horsemen and a Lion by the 19th century Javanese prince Raden Saleh Ben Jaggia which was in the May 17 sale at Van Ham in Cologne more than lived up to its expectations, when it went over the upper guide to sell for €550,000 (£470,085) to a collector in Jakarta.


Fight between Arabian Horsemen and a Lion by the 19th century Javanese prince Raden Saleh Ben Jaggia, €550,000 (£470,085) at Van Ham.

There were plenty of takers for Gabriel von Max’s painting entitled December, when it came up for sale at Karl & Faber (27% buyer’s premium) in Munich on May 17. It showed one of the many monkeys he kept in his house outside Munich, hugging a tiled stove. The hammer of €35,000 (£29,915) was close to double its starting price.


Gabriel von Max’s painting titled December, €35,000 (£29,915) at Karl & Faber.