
Hancocks London’s new premises at 62 St James’s Street.

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The new gallery, at 62 St James’s Street, is four times larger than its previous space in Burlington Arcade.

Managing director Guy Burton said: “Our new premises represent the modern Hancocks of today while acknowledging our historic roots. We are now able to offer a bespoke and intimate experience befitting of our jewels.”


Hancocks London’s latest ‘jewel of the month’: a French 18ct yellow gold ‘Procris’ pendant featuring a stylised bird in green enamel. It is designed by French cubist artist Georges Braque and produced with jeweller Baron Heger de Löwenfeld. The duo created a collection called ‘Bijoux de Braque’, but tragically both Braque and Löwenfeld died before completing the limited edition of 75 pieces. This example is priced at £19,500.

Each floor of the 18th century premises has spaces where customers can view and try on jewellery in private.

Hancocks also enlisted the expertise of a historian to digitise its diary dating back to 1870.

The original diary will be on display in the new premises and the digitised format will be available to view on Hancocks’ soon-to-launch new website. The diary reveals the variety of clients from royalty to celebrities over the years.