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Dealer Brita Rogers of Derwen Fairs organises a monthly antiques and vintage fair in the Civic Hall at Llandeilo in Carmarthenshire.

The next is on Saturday, June 1, and plenty of choice is on offer here including silver, Welsh art, pottery and books.


One running, one not…

Continuity Fairs runs antiques and collectors’ events biannually at the Mona Showground on the Isle of Anglesey but the first this year, on June 8-9, has been cancelled due to “showground issues”, said organiser Nick Bayliss, with the next running in October.

However, a monthly antiques and collectors’ fair run by RJG Events takes place at the Canolfan Leisure Centre in Beaumaris on Anglesey with around 60 sellers. The next date being Sunday, June 16.

Contact Rob Smith of RJG on 07989 955541.